We've Reached Block 5,087,090!

COR is done minting and the utility system supply if fixed.

Thank you for your interest in our initial utility

token sale, it is now closed.

For historical reference -- We'll leave this up for now:



COR Purchase Instructions

By following these instructions and sending ETH to the COR Utility Token Contract I agree to all of the terms and conditions posted on the previous page.

Send ETH to the contract address below from an Ethereum wallet you own and have the private key for. Do not send ETH from an exchange -- this will not work and there are no refunds.

We recommend using MyEthereumWallet and setup instructions can be found here.

Go to: https://www.myetherwallet.com/   (or another Ethereum wallet you have the key for -- DO NOT USE AN EXCHANGE -- token sale purchase won't work from an exchange or system like Coinbase)

Enter the following information on the "Send Ether & Tokens" tab:

Address (This will never change):


Choose the amount of ETH to send (1 ETH = 100 COR Utility Tokens) 

Gas Limit: 21000 recommended (Higher gas limits if needed: contact us on Telegram with questions)

Data: 0xb4427263

Screen Shot 2017-12-30 at 2.15.38 PM.png

Your COR token should show up in your wallet after the Ether Network transaction completes.

The token sale will run until the Ethereum blockchain reaches block 5,087,090 -- which is estimated to be reached around Feb 12/13, 2018.

To see the latest block number on the Ethereum blockchain, click here:


Look forward to seeing you on a COR call or in the COR matrix!


Questions? Join us on Telegram or email: corcom.support@corcom.io